Born in Oklahoma, he grew up wondering about the colors in the sky and the way of things physical and spiritual. He followed this path through adulthood and now, after serving with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), J.C has time to focus on his music, poetry and writings. Of European and American Indian heritage, he plays traditional American Indian flute in addition to popular country music. Among his many achievements are over 196 songwriting and composition credits as well as multiple published works of literature and philosophical writing.
Books Written By J.C High Eagle


By J.C. High Eagle

"Poetic thoughts of a day, a time . . . a moment."




“A people’s religion is what lies in their heart. This book speaks from the heart to the heart.” This book was born out of requests and the need to give a fresh, new perspective of prayer combined with the basic elements of spiritual and native traditional expression of universal truths. The poetic style of the prayers is more in line with traditional American Indian thought and phraseology.
It is a valuable reference for anyone, independent of any particular religion, faith or belief. It is a comforter or daily devotional guide for self-expression for whatever the occasion, individually or in a group. It is most suitable as a guide to devotional thought before and after meditation.

More . . . CAMPFIRE STORIES & LEGENDS By J.C. High Eagle

Even the story headings arouse curiosity as well as reflect the contents of the stories. The words make the reader or listener want to find out what follows. Things happen in the words, so the reader is curious to know what is coming next.
I believe people need, even in this contemporary age, stories sprinkled with a touch of Native American Indian wisdom. We also need to occasionally have a good laugh at ourselves! The desire to share my stories & legends with others is in answer to share both in the colorful heritage of the American Indian, and the transfer of wisdom through the stories to the youth and people of all ages as well.



LOVE BEAMS—Romantic Moods & Dreams
95 pages (8” x 11’12”)

By J.C. High Eagle


This book is for the ‘hopeless romantic’. Written as a person who sees the love
and relationships of men and women with each other, and what is know to beimportant. Each poem or thought in the writings represents a love beam directed toward the heart!




By J.C. High Eagle


Thoughts about love and life . . . from the mind of a native American Indian.



(c) Joyce Ramgatie /J.C. High Eagle
(c) Joyce Ramgatie 2014  Joyce Ramgatie Promotions The Netherlands/Europe, Registered No. 22065015  Tax No. 112.082.750-B01
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